in order to create a strong foundation for an elevated brand, clear brand messaging has to be established.
Your brand messaging is created with your ideal client in mind and together with ideal client identification, sets the framework for your visual identity. Clear brand messaging achieves three goals:
It helps you reach your ideal client. Your brand messaging is written for your ideal client, so it makes sense that it should also resonate with them and feel personal to them. When done right, brand messaging will speak directly to the client you want.
It forms the foundation for your visual identity. Your brand messaging paints a written picture of the visual identity you will later build. The values you put in place, the things that set you apart, and the unique services you offer will help you form a strategy-driven brand identity versus one that is created from emotion.
It gives you an effortless resource for copy to use on your social media and website. Once complete, your brand messaging is a great resource for you to copy onto your website, on your social media, or in other client-facing capacities. A complete brand guide means you shouldn't ever be struggling to know what to say to your ideal client or how to present your brand. As an entrepreneur, I understand what it's like to wish you had more time in your day, and trust me on this one -- clear brand messaging saves you a ton of time!
below, we'll touch on a few of the basics of brand messaging. let's get started.
Your brand values are the core beliefs your company stands for and guide the principles you operate out of.
Why: Identifying your brand values gives you a baseline for every decision you make in your brand. When solving a problem, working with a client, or even creating a post on social media, you can ask yourself: am I portraying my brand values?
How: Identify your brand values by choosing 3-5 words that represent your business, what your business stands for, and the kind of service you want to provide for your clients.
Tip: Try asking yourself these questions:
What does my company stand for?
How do I want my ideal client to feel after interacting with my brand?
What do I value?
Your purpose statement is your "why" and defines what you believe about your ideal client.
Why: Identifying your purpose statement helps you get clear on why you wake up everyday and do what you do. It communicates to your ideal client why you believe what you believe about them and about your business.
How: Write a purpose statement by considering your why. Take some time to journal about why you started your business, why your ideal client is who they are, and what you believe to be true about them.
Tip: Start your purpose statement with one of the following prompts:
"At ___(company name)___, our purpose is to..."
"We believe that you deserve..."
"We are dedicated to..."
mission statement
Your mission statement is your "how" -- a statement that encompasses how you will achieve your purpose.
Why: Identifying your mission statement gives your ideal client a clear understanding of what exactly you'll do for them that no one else will.
How: To write a mission statement, first take a moment to identify or review the need you are meeting in your ideal client. Then write down how you will do that.
Tip: Start your mission statement with one of the following prompts:
"At ___(company name)___, we help...."
"We help you ______ by doing _____"
"Our mission is to____ and we will achieve that by____"
unique value proposition
Your unique value proposition (UVP) is the thing that sets you apart from your competition.
Why: Identifying your UVP gives you the confidence to know why your ideal clients should choose you over competitors. When you're interfacing with your ideal client, you can effortlessly reference the thing that sets you apart.
How: To write your UVP, consider all the ways you and your competitor help your ideal client. Then identify your unique offerings and qualifications that others don't have that your ideal client really needs.
Tip: Ask yourself the following questions:
What unique services do I offer?
What unique qualifications do I have?
What do I understand about my ideal client that nobody else does?