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Website design is one of my favorite parts of branding a business! You've overcome the challenge of honing in on your brand identity, defining your brand values, and building out your brand messaging. You've combed through fonts and colors to choose a set that feels right. You've selected a logo that speaks to you and your ideal client. Now it's time to see it all come together!

But wait -- there are so many options! There is so much to consider! And let's be real -- your time is limited.

I've put together my best tips for designing a functional website that will look and feel right for you and your ideal client. Designing a website doesn't have to be hard (and you don't have to do it alone).


There are so many options available. How do you know what is best for you? Before you research any platforms, you'll want to know exactly what you need for your website. Will you be selling a product? Hosting a blog? Just keeping it simple with a page or two? You also want to keep in mind your personal level of comfort when it comes to creating the design and making edits.

Here is a breakdown of my favorite web design platforms:


Squarespace is ideal for the business owner who needs maximum user-friendliness and easy templates for design. It it super simple to use and supports e-commerce, scheduling, and many other options. Almost all Squarespace templates have a super simple look and feel, which makes it easy on the eyes. Because it is easy to learn (and therefore easy to teach), it also a great platform to use if you plan to have multiple collaborators working on your site. Squarespace automatically adjusts for screen sizes and mobile, too!


Wix is also fairly user-friendly, although if you aren't very familiar with website design it could take a bit more time to learn. My favorite thing about Wix is that you have a ton of control over your design -- whatever you can dream up, you can make happen on Wix. It also provides great options for managing your business, like the ability to send invoices, collect payments, manage your calendar, and manage customer communications.


Wordpress is the OG of web design tools. It was around back in my blogging days and is a fan favorite for many designers due to providing users with the ability to customize virtually everything. Wordpress has tons of options for widgets you can add to your site as well. The most complicated of the three, Wordpress is ideal for the business owner who knows web design and basic coding and requires a fairly complicated website.


As with anything you're doing for your business, your ideal client should always be top of mind. Consider their experience on your website first and foremost.

keep it simple

One big mistake most of my clients make is thinking that their clients want more, more, more. This often manifests as lots of navigation links and text-heavy pages. We have a tendency to want to put everything out there for the world to see, but in reality less is more. I like to say, "A confused mind says NO." As you're building your site, keep the most essential copy and nix the rest. Limit your website to no more than 5 pages in the navigation bar. Avoid dropdown menus with more than two or three options.

refer to your brand guide

I cannot stress this enough -- your brand guide is essential! Refer back to your brand values and messaging to shape every decision you make on your website. Why? Because these were created with your ideal client in mind. If you stick to the script you created in your brand guide, you will attract your ideal client.


"Hey Kimberly, what the heck is a CTA?"

A call-to-action (CTA) is a prompt you're giving your ideal client to do something on your website...because let's be real -- you did not do all this work for nothing.

I like to have a primary CTA and a secondary CTA. A primary CTA is the entire reason you want your ideal client to be perusing your website in the first place! Maybe you are hoping they will buy a product from you. Perhaps you want them to reach out to you. Or maybe you want them to schedule a class with you. Regardless of the content of your primary CTA, it should typically be displayed first thing on your homepage, in your navigation, and once on every page of your site (however, there are some exceptions to these rules)

I like to refer to a secondary CTA as "the bonus". What are you doing as a bonus for your clients that is adding value to them? Maybe it is a free download, a course you just published, a link to subscribe to your newsletter, or even a blog you want them to read. A secondary CTA is where you can remind your clients, "Hey, I'm really good at what I do and I'm going to show you by adding value to you." A secondary CTA can be displayed in the footer of your website, in a pop-up lightbox, or on one or two pages on your site.

examples of a primary cta
  • Contact Me

  • Book Now

  • Schedule A Class

  • Shop Now

examples of a secondary cta
  • Download my free guide

  • Subscribe to my newsletter

  • Read my latest blog post

  • Check out my new online course

  • Subscribe and get 15% off your next purchase


It seems simple enough, right? Comb through your site and make sure it works. Proof-read everything -- and don't just look for grammar errors. Double check that what you've written aligns with your brand. Here are some questions to ask when proofing your site:

  • Is my site easy to navigate?

  • How is my client going to feel when they are on my website?

  • Does my ideal client know what to do once they arrive on my site?

  • Is my ideal client going to be confused by anything on my site?

  • Does my content (written copy, images, and graphics) align with my brand identity and values?

  • Are there any spacing issues I need to fix?

  • Do all of my links work?

  • Do all of my forms, booking features, and purchasing features work? (It is even a good idea to book an appointment, make a purchase, etc. on your website to confirm there are no glitches.)

  • How does my site look on someone else's computer or on a different screen size?

  • How does my site look on a tablet?

  • How does my site look on a mobile device?


You do not have to do this alone!

Ask a friend to check out your website and give feedback. Make sure they know what your brand identity is and what your intentions for your website are. Ask them how they feel about it and if it all makes sense to them.

If you are feeling lost, ask for help from a professional web designer. Together, we can create a functional website that looks and feels right for you and your ideal client.


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